a blog for someone who cannot shut up....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Arena Rock

Rush has put out a boatload of music and it has earned its spot among rock's elite. If you cannot at least respect this band, then you really don't have an objective viewpoint when it comes to discussing music.

I recently imported A Farewell to Kings into my i-Tunes library, as well as a bunch of other stuff that had not yet been added to what has become my ever-growing precious...pronounce like Gollum: my digital music database....my precious. How about Buffalo Springfield, some Grateful Dead, a little Beatles (Live at the BBC) that I had lying around, and even live Who that had escaped the ripping process. Getting back to the subject, I just request that you take some time and listen to "Xanadu" all the way through. All 11:11 of it, son. Even the gristle. I just think that it helps to remind you of what huge concert rock once was - and hopefully can be again. Wolfmother just doesn't do it for me.

(Note: Yes, the movie Xanadu has nothing to do with Canadian progressive rock. But, ONJ is hot, and her hair in that movie poster is unstoppable.)


Pynchon said...

I honestly only know one Rush song. "Spirit Of Radio"? Very good.

Your Host said...

You don't know "Tom Sawyer"? You must. "Spirit of Radio" is a great song too. Rush was probably the first "favorite band" in my personal history as a music fan. Consummate professionals, without a doubt.