a blog for someone who cannot shut up....

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tonight's Netflix Selection

I had been told about this film, and had seen parts of it on cable, but finally sat down tonight and watched it from start to finish : Cube (1997)

It was a pleasant diversion for 90 minutes. I think I was supposed to like certain characters versus others, and maybe hope for my favorites to survive....but actually learned to dislike the whole bunch. Their bickering became annoying, and I became more interested in who/what was confining them instead of their fate - which I guess I was supposed to focus on. They all supposedly brought something different to the table - one was a math whiz, one a doctor, etc. One guy was an autistic Rainman type, with the commensurate math skills. I would have to say the highlight for me was near the end, when the cop character referred to the idiot savant as "telethon boy". Made me chuckle. Score: 2.5 Stars (out of 5)


Your Host said...

The critics have warned against it, and Cube was so-so as it is.

Telethon Boy. Heh.

Pynchon said...

I couldn't post here last night. Blogger was saying that the site did not exist.


I quite liked "Cube". My good lady loathed it with a passion.

I once met Nicole De Boer at a film fair and she autographed my DVD cover of "Cube". Lovely, gracious lady.

Your Host said...

I'd be in pretty bad shape if that were accurate. As it is, the only DVD I own with a worn cover is Shot In The Dark.

Anonymous said...

You returned Run Ronnie Run in pretty poor shape.