a blog for someone who cannot shut up....
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Classic Tripe From Yesteryear
Monday, November 13, 2006
Prison Break
#1) bad bald guy asking blond hooker for a "cleveland steamer"....and willing to spend $750 for it.
#2) bathtub n' iron interrogation treatment
#3) another balding bad guy telling cohort on telephone that he would "gut him, bow to stern."
I have to admit it was quality network tv...and I don't watch much of it.
Ramsey Lewis and PBS
Monday, October 30, 2006
XMen 3 Breakdown
"Movies: I watched X-Men 3. Might as well have called it X-Men: Let’s Just Kill Off Everyone, Then. I liked the second one, but never really loved the franchise, to use that horrid word. The entire mutant-as-a-metaphor was insulting, anyway –if you know anything about kids you know that a teen with the ability to shoot fire out of his ears would not be shunned as a weirdo freak but elected class president on general principle: dude! Awesome! I can understand parents getting upset if their kid was blue and covered with hairy nodules, but the idea that parents would consider their kid “sick” if she had the telekinetic ability to raise every car in the neighborhood nine feet in the air – please. We have parents who will go across the ocean to adopt a Down’s Syndrome baby; are we to believe that the majority of American parents reject their kids because they can levitate or cough up gold by the quart or exude perfectly formed Neapolitan Ice Cream bricks from their hindquarters? Far from persecuting them, they’d get their own reality shows. Storm would be a TV meteorologist in New York. As for your morning commute, I’ll see what I can do. Stay classy, Manhattan.
And then there’s Wolverine - he’s Troubled and Frowny and Haunted, even though he appears to be a 35 year old man living in a high school with no job, surrounded by good-looking women, and able to kill whoever he wants without any sort of legal repercussions. You almost want some mutant to confront him in the kitchen some night: what you so mad about, anyway? You can heal from a gunshot to the head in six seconds and you got spikes coming out of your hands. Yeah, well, it hurts when the spikes come out. Oh really? I shoot liquid nitrogen everytime I pee. That’s my mutation. I go by the name of Holdit. Wanna switch?."
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Passenger 57

TAMPA, Fla. — Actor Wesley Snipes was indicted Tuesday on eight counts of tax fraud, accused of trying to cheat the government out of nearly $12 million in false refund claims and not filing returns for six years.
Prosecutors said Snipes fraudulently claimed refunds totaling nearly $12 million in 1996 and 1997 on income taxes already paid. The star of the "Blade" trilogy and other films including "Jungle Fever" and "White Men Can't Jump" was also charged with failure to file returns from 1999 through 2004.
While the story is disturbing, I will not declare Wesley guilty until proven innocent....who knows how this case will go. What really disturbs me is that hat. Who told him that was a good look? He looks like an extra from the set of A Clockwork Orange...or maybe he is taking hints from the wardrobe people that worked on Freedomland...because that hat sucks too. Thats right, Mace Windu, your hat alone kept me from even considering that film.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Pull The Trigger
For reference value, from Allmusic.com :
The secret to the musical longevity of Kiss is its ability to marry the sonic muscle of hard rock to songs full of indelible pop hooks. "Love Gun" is one of the best examples of this skill, an ideal marriage of hooks and riffs that has become one of the group's defining classics. The lyrics are a statement of hard rock machismo at its most grandiose as they depict a powerful lover who likens himself to a deadly weapon: "No place for hidin', baby/No place to run/You pull the trigger of my love gun." The melody is equal parts hard rock and pop song, wedding verses that swing in an ominously heavy fashion to a chorus built on a simple, surprisingly flowery singalong hook that underlines its repetition of the title phrase. Kiss' recording of "Love Gun" turns the song into a stomping rocker punctuated with a few pop frills: the surging, swinging power chords and the machine-gun-like drum fills that drive the chorus along are pure hard rock, but the fluttery, high-pitched backing vocals that sail in on the chorus are pure pop. Paul Stanley completes the sound with a snarling vocal that makes the hyperbole of the lyrics work (fans might also be interested to know that Stanley also plays bass on this track in addition to his singing and guitar duties). "Love Gun" surprisingly failed to become a hit single despite its high hook quotient, but the song became an instant staple of the Kiss live show and retained this place of honor for years.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Ideal P.R. Man

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Irwin Effect

Now I know they are serious about this: stephen a smith interviews that bearded naturalist from WildBoyz (the grizzly adams guy with the shark tooth necklace) on the Deuce regarding the death of Steve Irwin. When a 3rd tier cable news show devotes a segment + interview, with a 3rd tier host and a 3rd tier guest, the story is extending through the architecture....it is remarkable to watch it develop from Drudge link to such a detailed analysis of Stingray behavior with the esteemed academic staff of....WildBoyz.
***Update: I thought I had seen enough, but then I came across Mean Guns (1997)
Please, stop it. Highlander? Ice-T? Something special is brewing here: "A crime lord challenges his rivals to a gunfight in an abandoned prison, with the winners getting $10 million." Wow. Anytime you can get The Pusher involved with the Swiss-educated sword-wielding Legend of Greystoke, magic will surely result. Come to think of it, Lambert is about as well-spoken as Van Dammage when it comes to pronouncing the language, so maybe not magic. Plenty of laughs, but no magic.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
V For Vapidity
"It's Must-See Thursday! First, at 8, Padme and V hang out watching classic b&w movies; V blows up some
The effort to paint a lunatic as a disfigured jazz aficionado with a Mensa vocabulary and a flair for entertaining made me laugh out loud. I know it was a DC Comics graphic novel, and I don't have an issue with the story line. But IMDB readers make it sound like All The President's Men . This flick was Fantastic 4 with better acting. To call it ham-handed would be a compliment.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Bills Must Be Paid

I don't know about you, but when discussing Hollywood and its denizens, the names of Bill Paxton and Bill Pullman come up frequently. In fact, people seem to often be thinking of one guy when they are actually thinking of the other dude. If you use 1990 as a baseline you have several big name films that feature one of these actors. Lets see.....for Paxton: Tombstone, True Lies, Apollo 13, A Simple Plan,Twister. For Pullman: Singles, Wyatt Earp (the connection to Tombstone is very weird.) Independence Day, The Grudge. Mr. Paxton was born in 1955. Mr. Pullman was born in 1953. Obviously there is no cosmic connection, but these two gentlemen seem to often occupy the same movie discussion. Tonight, however, was different. ScatTime featured some flick called Brain Dead (1990) Plot line: A process to erase unhappy memories takes a turn for the worse when a patient loses his mind during surgery. I felt like Indiana Jones finding that golden head statue thing in the cave - such a rare, rare find....a movie that had BOTH Paxton and Pullman. It was a P&P Double-Shot. Imagine that. Then sit back and consider the awesome consequences.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
2 More Reasons Why Movie Channels Suck
Land of the Dead (2005) A mercenary leader squares off against a rebellious comrade, while flesh-eating zombies threaten their fortified city.
Starring someone named Simon Baker and John Leguizamo.
Comment: More like Land of the Extremely Shitty Movie.
In case your crap meter is not red-lining, HBO-Zone concurrently offers this "film":
Supercross: The Movie (2005) Sibling rivalry threatens to tear apart two brothers after one wins a slot on a motocross team. Starring Steve Howey and Mike Vogel.
Comment: I don't remember Supercross: The TV Series, do you?
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Barely Scraping By

I was in the grocery line this evening and I took my usual glance through the bold headlines on the covers of People, National Enquirer, etc. The current Us Weekly cover features a photo of Tori Spelling, aka Admiral Ackbar (hint: Tori is the one on the right) The storyline was that her mother was going to cut her out of the $500 million estate left after Aaron Spelling passed away, and it said on the cover that she is "struggling to make ends meet." Yes, I am sure it must be quite rough for her right now. Hopefully her website is providing a revenue stream of some kind. I wonder if that hideous color represents royalty on the home planet of the Mon Calamari.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Memory Lane

The process of ripping all of my CDs into MP3 has been time consuming, no doubt. However, the necessary steps to do so provide a walk down the musical streets of yesteryear. Or at least the "heavy rotation" of yesteryear in terms of what you were playing in your car, walkman, discman, whatever at any given point in your music history. I do have plenty of space on my 30GB iPod, but I am still trying to not add any shitty music, if I can help it. Some CDs get added with no editing. The fringe players? They are not so lucky.
Today's voyage included a reintroduction to two of Robert Plant's solo efforts - Now And Zen (1988) as well as Manic Nirvana (1990). After saying "hello" to Dance on my Own, Helen of Troy, and White, Clean and Neat for the first time in years, it was extremely pleasurable to say "goodbye" in the same 30 seconds. N&Z only was able to get 4 tracks by the editor. Sorry, Robert, but all the cool coyote symbol flags and bracelets don't get you anywhere when you are serving it up hot & steamy with songs like Billy's Revenge.
Manic did much better, with 7/10 tracks making the cut. Hurting Kind rocks. Tie Dye on the Highway rocks. Good recovery, then, for Mr. Plant.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Tonight's Netflix Selection
It was a pleasant diversion for 90 minutes. I think I was supposed to like certain characters versus others, and maybe hope for my favorites to survive....but actually learned to dislike the whole bunch. Their bickering became annoying, and I became more interested in who/what was confining them instead of their fate - which I guess I was supposed to focus on. They all supposedly brought something different to the table - one was a math whiz, one a doctor, etc. One guy was an autistic Rainman type, with the commensurate math skills. I would have to say the highlight for me was near the end, when the cop character referred to the idiot savant as "telethon boy". Made me chuckle. Score: 2.5 Stars (out of 5)
Not In His Wildest Hallucinations
Friday, July 28, 2006
Hits from the Blog
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Turn Away, I'm Hideous
More Spiders, and Capt Kirk at the Regal Beagle

For pure laughs, this review is outstanding. It appears Kirk favors the tight slacks whether he's on the Enterprise or not. As far as "Rack Hansen" is concerned, I cannot comment because I am laughing too hard.
Tough, Tough Decisions
More importantly, I am currently listening to a random mix of the 5 Beck albums I own. I have yet to pick up Mellow Gold....don't ask why. It is almost as if I know it is an absolute treasure that I will experience at some point...but the anticipation cannot be matched. Odd, I know. But I'm an odd man. What I will do is rank the 5 Beck albums I own. I encourage your ranking and commentary.
1) Midnite Vultures (1999)
"Over Odelay? What, are you high?" This is MY ranking, not Rolling Stone. Vultures combines the 3 components that Beck specializes in, and does it well: funky grooves, great melodies, and lyrics that make you scratch your head while you bob it to the beat at the same time. Broken Train rules.
2) Odelay (1996)
I can say many glowing things about this album. It flows from A to Z like sweet molasses, and it introduced a musical genius on a large scale. Enough said.
3) Mutations (1998)
On the heels of the outrageous success of Odelay, Beck comes out with what I would call a masterpiece. Bottle of Blues and Canceled Check are two of my favorite all-time songs. Different style? Completely. But I love it. I was at Mesa Ampitheater for this tour, 4,000 people max.
4) Guero (2005)
I must admit that while I love the grooves on many tracks on this album, to me it sounds like Beck trying to mimic Beck. This effort comes in 4th place, but it is nonetheless a solid album. E-Pro sounds like Beck giving in to the music industry's desire for a single. I saw the show during this tour - Beck was part of last fall's Arizona State Fair line-up. Pay $10 to get in to the fair, and see the music for free. Best Hamilton I ever spent. This show kicked ass, including a percussion effort that involved the entire band.
5) Sea Change (2002)
There are some decent tracks here, including Paper Tiger and Lost Cause. From what I have seen Sea Change was a critical darling, but for the most part it comes across as a soundtrack for assisted suicide. Still, I listen to it when I want something completely unobtrusive in the background - like Jack Johnson.
Whew. That was not an easy chore.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The Amityville Horrific Remake
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Life Better Than Art
I could not.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
I have been slowly building the jazz segment of my collection, and this seemed, as they say in the review, beyond essential. Makes you want to have some Cachaça, relax in your easy chair, and drift along for the ride.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Charles in Charge
(Veoh is a new video site, ala YouTube)
Friday, July 14, 2006
I can't believe it!
Lethal Weapon
More importantly, after I had waited for over an hour for my visit with the Doctor (it was Rosenberg, for all you Fletch fans), one of the staff was whispering and pointing at me. I asked why, and she said "we were trying to figure out who you looked like. do people tell you that you resemble anyone?" I said no and that generally it was me telling others who they resembled. She laughed and said "I think you look like Gary Busey." So, of course, I then screamed at her at the top of my lungs, "My name is Mr. Joshua!" and held a lit lighter under my arm to ram home the point.
Needless to say, I got a discount on my exam.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
The 4400
It reeks of an attempt to mimic The X-Files, but there are worse things. Once you get past some of the sappy dialogue and realize the actors are doing a great job of delivering a solid vision through their efforts to carry out the storyline....you kind of buy in. I got it through Netflix.
I am now 3 more episodes into the story...and am hooked on this show. The different subplots within the overall story mesh well together, and the challenges encountered by the main characters only serve to cement the bonds between them and the viewer. Highly recommended.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
music item #2047
Buffalo Bill, anyone?
Some of my crew of friends/readers have decided to mock me privately over the appearance of an unknown 3rd party at this site, and any complimentary comments that may have been made.
So, if you must know, I have been acting strangely lately....friends and family, knocking loud at my door, yelling at me to open up. Inside I wear a kimono and lipstick, doing the weenie-tuck while I dance in front of a full-length mirror ala Jame Gumb....the stereo loudly drones on, offering a one word monotone salute to whatever username is the most recent to lavish praise on my writing skills.
The truth is that I (most likely) will not dance in front of the mirror or engage in any other bizarre behavior if you happen to tell me how much you enjoy this blog. But please feel free. Now, I must go. It's So Easy just came on the box, and well, you know...Slash calls.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I have to choose
the Red Meat comic strip. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. it is easy to find through google) I do have to choose a handle and stick with it so that responses to comments etc will not be confusing. So, in keeping with the title of this blog, we'll just go with "The Nefarious One". Not great, and not as much fun as changing it every other day, but at least you will know it is me when I am ripping your useless comments to shreds.
The Candy Song
i like candy
candy for free
i like candy
candy for me
Twizzlers and Nerd Ropes
Snickers all around
the wrappers are shiny
crunch, crunch is the sound
i like candy
candy for free
i like candy
candy for me
Sour Patch dreams
haunt me all day
perhaps some Chewy Sprees
will light my way
i like candy
candy for free
i like candy
candy for me
show me a Gummi Bear
you'll see me smile
you ask about Skittles
see the big pile?
i like candy
candy for free
i like candy
candy for me
Rolos and Kit Kat
i won't share a bit
Hubba Bubba and Bubble Yum
you ain't gettin' shit
i like candy
candy for free
i like candy
candy for me
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Mac Madness
In a nutshell, the Mac began freezing up and became unusable. Its not like I was using it to tap into NORAD and try to derail Mr. Kim Jong's ballistic assault. I was trying to read ESPN and send/receive e-mail. Nothing major. So I sent it back to Apple Repair and patiently waited for it to come back. 8 days later the unit comes back and its like Christmas morning. That is, until it started to show the same problems after only 5 hours of use. I was apoplectic, and that is an understatement (can there be a level of anger beyond apoplectic? perhaps we can call it "catatonic rage") Little did I know that it would pale in comparison to the levels of incredulity that came when I encountered some of the denizens of Apple Tech Support.
My first nomination for "Obtuse Asshole Tech Support Person" is someone we'll call Sam. I got to talk to this gentleman after the initial call earlier in the day, by the time I had realized that Apple's initial repairs did nothing to fix the problem. He attempted to regurgitate some policies about their repair process and I had to interject and tell him I knew what he is referring to and can't we just move this along. My prize for trying to be efficient? "Sir, you are very rude. Every time I start talking you cut me off. That is very, very rude." Oh yeah, Sammy? Rude? Tell you what, nerd. Stop that unending conveyor belt of absolute bullshit rolling out of your mouth and just get me to someone who will A) let a disgruntled customer rant a bit when his $1000 electronics purchase performs like a drink coaster and B) will not lecture a customer about proper conversational etiquette when the customer has just received a supposedly repaired computer. FAH Q, just like Ben Afflect's paddle said in Dazed & Confused.
The next candidate would be Barbara in Customer Relations. I was forwarded to her after talking to Sam, the skillfull diplomat. After I gave her a total reset of the scenario, she must have reached deep to try to help. How deep? How about this: "Well, sir, I am sorry to hear about your troubles. My notes do indicate, however, that we got the unit back to you in the 7-10 day timeframe we promise." Of course, I couldn't help but chuckle when she trotted out that piece of garbage. She got indignant and said "I can't believe you are laughing in my face." WHAT? ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME? Your firm produces a total lemon, the customer sends it back for repair and goes without a key component of his home office for a week+ and then gets the same goddamn lemon back....and you want to laud your company for the quick turnaround? I can overnight a box of dogshit too, and I don't have the resources of Apple. Let me offer a suggestion: Shut it before you dig the hole any deeper. I think I'll give the Blue Star Award for Complete and Total Incompetence to Barb.
My laptop is now in the hands of the people at the nearby Apple Store, and they tell me they will take care of things. Lets hope so. I have often thought that real customer service is dead now, and the only way to get any justice is to be the squeaky wheel. This horrific experience only solidified that belief. Thanks, Apple, for destroying your reputation with me in just under 10 days.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Movie Reviews
Better than TJ Hooker
7 March 2002
Author: mm-39 from Winnipeg
This guy is better than TJ Hooker. This guy does not jump on car windows, like TJ, he kicks threw them. Other than that this film is lamer than the 80-81 Winnipeg Jets. Not much of a story, but the budget did not help. I like the karate, but the acting was sad. I would suggest this film for someone I did not like.
Oh, that Trent
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Thanks, Scarlett
"When I was a freshman in high school, I thought I had other things I wanted to do, like anthropology, or silly things like botany or opening a bakery. But now I can't imagine not being an actor."
Yes, thats right. Evaluating ancient cultures, or perhaps the plant life on planet Earth is silly, just like baking bread and selling it. Silly, silly baker-man. Silly botanist. Keep busy with your trivial pursuits....while I do really important things like star in movies opposite Josh Hartnett.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
I'm Back
Stay tuned.